At Rainwater Management Solutions (RMS),our goal is to make rainwater collection and graywater reuse reliable, low-maintenance, and accessible for all residential applications via a system that supports the environment and offers economic benefit.

Is it Illegal to Collect Rainwater: State by State Guide

With instances of individuals facing legal consequences for their rainwater harvesting endeavors in some states, the idea of rainwater harvesting being an illegal activity has quickly gained traction across the internet.

In this article, we’ll uncover the truth about the legality of rainwater harvesting and provide information on the specific laws for each state.

Introduction to Rainwater Harvesting: Methods and Advantages

To make the process of Rainwater Harvesting easier, it is advisable to build some sort of collection system.

But before delving into the various components of an RWH system, it is, first of all important, to understand how useful rainwater harvesting is as well as the benefits of rainwater harvesting.

National Stormwater Calculator

EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator (SWC) is a software application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site.

Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure

A municipal handbook on rainwater harvesting policies from the low impact development center. The Municipal Handbook is a series of documents to help local officials implement green infrastructure in their communities.

Rainwater Harvesting:

Conservation, Credit, Codes, and Cost
Literature Review and Case Studies

This section provides a basic technical description of the two main types
of rainwater harvesting systems (passive and active) and outlines the basic maintenance
requirements of each. Examples of code requirements and the need for predictability of water demand are also discussed.

EPA Water Facts

Here are some interesting facts about water; how much we have, how much gets wasted, and how we use it.

Water-Efficient Technology Opportunity: Rainwater Harvesting Systems

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) identified rainwater harvesting systems as an alternative water technology that is relevant to federal facilities, is commercially available, and may offer an opportunity to offset freshwater use. This technology overview is intended to provide agencies with key information to deploy rainwater harvesting systems.

Rainwater Harvesting State Regulations and Technical Resources

The state-by-state information on rainwater harvesting regulations was compiled and assembled into an interactive map that is color coded by state regulations. The map provides a visual representation of the general types of rainwater harvesting policies across the country as well as general information on the state programs if applicable. The map allows the user to quickly discern where rainwater harvesting is supported and regulated by the state.


Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual

A comprehensive guide to examining, designing and maintaining rainwater harvesting systems to abate stormwater runoff.

Virginia Department of Health

An introduction to Rainwater Harvesting System Regulations in Virginia. This includes a short video and commonly asked questions.

Fairfax County Rainwater Harvesting

There are many different types of systems available; the size, complexity, material and location of the RWHS will be based on the source and volume of stormwater runoff to be captured and how the water is to be used.
